“House of Hummingbird” is a 2018 South Korean drama film set in Seoul in 1994, in the year the Seongsu Bridge collapsed, depicting the wavering heart of an adolescent girl against the background of social issues in South Korea, such as
women’s oppression under patriarchy, domestic violence, and diplomaism.
Written and directed by Kim Bora. 138 minutes.
14-year-old junior high student Eun-hee (Park Ji-hoo) lives in a housing complex in Seoul with her parents, who run a rice cake shop, her sister, and brother.
She has trouble fitting in at school. She spends her days playing with Ji-sook, her close friend at another school, and going out with a boy student and her junior girl, but she feels more alone because of dispute among her family members and change in relationships with her friends.
One day a new female tutor named Young-ji comes to her private Chinese-writing school. Eun-hee gradually opens up to Young-ji because Young-ji is willing to lend a sympathetic ear.
This film won over 50 awards including the Grand Prix of the Generation 14plus International Jury for the Best Film at the 69th Berlin International Film Festival.