Classical/Contemporary Chants de l’Eglise de Rome des VIIe et VIIIe siècles: Période byzantine (Pérès, 1985)
Classical/Contemporary Steve Reich: Variations for Winds, Strings and Keyboards; John Adams: Shaker Loops (De Waart, 1983)
Classical/Contemporary Nono: Como una ola de fuerza y luz; …..sofferte onde serene…; Contrappunto dialettico alla mente (Pollini / Taskova / Antonellini / Abbado, 1969, 1973, 1977)
Books The Fabric of Reality: The Science of Parallel Universes – and Its Implications by David Deutsch (1997)
Japanese Popular Sound Horizon: Elysion -Rakuen Gensō Monogatari Kumikyoku- (Elysion -Paradise Fantasy Story Suite-) (2005)
Classical/Contemporary Ives: Holidays Symphony; The Unanswered Question; Central Park In The Dark (Thomas, 1986)
Classical/Contemporary Szymanowski: Stabat Mater; Litany to The Virgin Mary; Symphony No. 3 “The Song of the Night” (Rattle, 1993)
Classical/Contemporary Franz Schubert: Wanderer-Fantasie; Robert Schumann: Fantasie Op. 17 (Pollini, 1973)
Books Leviathan or The Matter, Forme and Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil by Thomas Hobbes (1651)
Classical/Contemporary Chants de l’Eglise de Rome des VIIe et VIIIe siècles: Période byzantine (Pérès, 1985)
Classical/Contemporary Steve Reich: Variations for Winds, Strings and Keyboards; John Adams: Shaker Loops (De Waart, 1983)
Classical/Contemporary Nono: Como una ola de fuerza y luz; …..sofferte onde serene…; Contrappunto dialettico alla mente (Pollini / Taskova / Antonellini / Abbado, 1969, 1973, 1977)
Books The Fabric of Reality: The Science of Parallel Universes – and Its Implications by David Deutsch (1997)
Japanese Popular Sound Horizon: Elysion -Rakuen Gensō Monogatari Kumikyoku- (Elysion -Paradise Fantasy Story Suite-) (2005)
Classical/Contemporary Ives: Holidays Symphony; The Unanswered Question; Central Park In The Dark (Thomas, 1986)
Classical/Contemporary Szymanowski: Stabat Mater; Litany to The Virgin Mary; Symphony No. 3 “The Song of the Night” (Rattle, 1993)
Classical/Contemporary Franz Schubert: Wanderer-Fantasie; Robert Schumann: Fantasie Op. 17 (Pollini, 1973)
Books Leviathan or The Matter, Forme and Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil by Thomas Hobbes (1651)
Classical/Contemporary Chants de l’Eglise de Rome des VIIe et VIIIe siècles: Période byzantine (Pérès, 1985)
Classical/Contemporary Steve Reich: Variations for Winds, Strings and Keyboards; John Adams: Shaker Loops (De Waart, 1983)
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