contemporary music


Karlheinz Stockhausen: Zyklus; Refrain; Kontakte (Jodelet / Bavouzet / Frémy, 1992)

Overview “Karlheinz Stockhausen: Zyklus; Refrain; Kontakte” is an album that contains three compositions composed by...

Ligeti / Reich: African Rhythms (Aimard / Aka Pygmies, 2003/2001–2002)

“African Rhythms“ is a unique album that aimed to interface African folk music (the vocal music of the Aka Pygmies from...

Steve Reich: Variations for Winds, Strings and Keyboards; John Adams: Shaker Loops (De Waart, 1983)

Overview "Steve Reich: Variations for Winds, Strings and Keyboards; John Adams: Shaker Loops" is an album that conta...

Morton Feldman: Durations I-V; Coptic Light (Ensemble Avantgarde / Morgan, 1992, 1994)

Overview "Durations I-V; Coptic Light" is an album that contains two works, "Durations" I-V and "Coptic Light", by M...

Eötvös Conducts Stockhausen: Gruppen, Punkte (Eötvös, 1997, 2004)

Overview "Eötvös Conducts Stockhausen: Gruppen, Punkte" is an album that contains two orchestral works, "Gruppen" an...

Jo Kondo: Sen no Ongaku / Linear Music (Various Artists, 1974)

Overview "Sen no Ongaku (Linear Music)" is the first album by Jo Kondo, a Japanese composer of contemporary classica...

Nono: Como una ola de fuerza y luz; …..sofferte onde serene…; Contrappunto dialettico alla mente (Pollini / Taskova / Antonellini / Abbado, 1969, 1973, 1977)

Overview "Nono: Como una ola de fuerza y luz; …..sofferte onde serene…; Contrappunto dialettico alla mente" is an al...

Joji Yuasa: Piano Works & Tape Music (Takahashi, 1973)

Overview "Joji Yuasa: Piano Works & Tape Music" is an album that contains three piano works and three tape music...

Varèse: Amériques; Arcana; Déserts; Ionisation (Boulez, 1995, 1996)

Overview "Varèse: Amériques; Arcana; Déserts; Ionisation" is an album that contains four compositions by Edgard Varè...

Boulez: Répons; Dialogue de l’ombre double (Boulez, 1996)

Overview "Boulez: Répons; Dialogue de l'ombre double" is an album that contains two compositions composed in the ear...